
Counter Proposal Letter Writing Tips

Counter Proposal Letter Writing Tips

Counter Proposal Letter

This letter is written when a company receives a proposal letter from another company. The letter usually states the essential changes the company would do keeping in account the proposal letter. Though letters might seem to be out of fashion these days, they are always the best mode of communication even today at corporate levels.

Date: _____ (Date on Which Letter is Written)



Company name…


Dear Mr. XYZ,

I am writing this letter to notify you that I am in accord with the terms you requested in your counteroffer for the position of (Project name) with (Company/Organization name). Your counter proposal on the above-referenced project has been reviewed and is acceptable in its entirety.

We are enclosing an executed copy of the agreement along with two copies for your files. In your proposal dated (Date), you had asked for a couple of changes to be made to the imaginative offer, to include:

  • (Explain your agreement) our offer was only included the shipment for your company. Because of your increased demand, we also shipment for your joint company. This request has been granted, and your new moving allowance has been increased from (Amount of money) to (Amount of money) as a result.
  • (Another Issue) As your request, you want to extend our contract another six months, including vacations. This request has also been granted.

We are passionately looking forward to this project and are satisfied with having the prospect to work together.

All other terms of our agreement are still in place about salary and profit. In addition, we have agreed that you will start your new position on (Date) in order to agree to yourself enough time to change place here with your joint company. Our company looks forward to meeting you upon your coming and are sure you will serve (Company/organization name) well in your new position.


Name of the company,

Sign of the Manager.


Counter Proposal Letter Writing Tips:

  • Mention Address of the company or the person to whom you are writing the letter.
  • Mention that you have accepted their proposal and would do the requires changes.
  • Keep the subject of the letter to the point.
  • Do not deviate away from the topic and avoid spelling and grammar mistakes.