
Order Letter of Fine as a Punishment

Order Letter of Fine as a Punishment

Order Letter of Fine as a Punishment

[This is a punishment letter which is issues to employee or contractor for any loss or damage to the company. Below briefly focus on sample Order Letter of Fine as a Punishment. You have to show a specific reason. The punishment is done by some amount decided by the employer or the party. You can make any change to the below application as per your needs.]

Date: DD/MM/YY


Employee name…

Job Designation…

Department name…

Sub: Order of Imposing Fine as a Punishment

Mr./Mrs. (name),

This charge-sheeted is in continuation of the previous charge-sheet issued to you on (DATE) and the enquiry held in pursuance thereof. (Describe in your words). As a result of the inquiry, the management is satisfied that the charges leveled against you amply proved. (Describe actual problem and situation).

As the charges against you have been proved, your termination from the service will be appropriate for this conduct but like this, for the first time you have been found guilty of the charge, (Describe all about the situation), the management decides to afford you an opportunity to improve yourself and instead of awarding the extreme penalty, impose upon you a fine of (Money Amount) as punishment. (Write official decision). (Show your recommendation and suggestion).


Your Name…

Job designation…(Manager/Competent Authority)

Department name…

Cc: The Accounts Dept.