
Some birds can’t wait for their young holiday home

Some birds can’t wait for their young holiday home

It’s a fight related to many human parents – you’ve given kids a good start in life and now you want to leave their home so you can get back to your old life. The problem is, they don’t want to go, leading to a fight of wills known enough as the film’s staff. Songbirds have the same puzzle, and a new study has found that several species have risked the lives of their offspring by working hard to grow them. Moreover, they accuse parents of making the perfect return for being selfish – for the good of the species.

Unlike most fish or octopuses, birds lay a few eggs and invest heavily in their survival for maturity, but there is always a limit. Dr. Mike Ward, of the Department of Consumer and Environmental Sciences at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, made the key decision on whether birds are being put at premature risk in how many fugitives die shortly after leaving home.

In the proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, Ward and co-authors note that zoologists have long debated whether the psalmist “manipulates parents to change their children to improve their own fitness or when the children leave.”

A study of 18 species of North American Songbirds found a sharp spike in 12 deaths in the first few days after leaving the home. Based on past research, the authors concluded that if individual birds stayed in the nest longer, their chances of survival would be better, suggesting that parents remove them before they are ready to move.

The reason was not hard to find. “There will always be a point for all creatures, including parental care, where they are in conflict,” Ward said in a statement.

The birds were 13.6 percent less likely to reach adulthood when they were forced to leave home too early, but the parents were almost identical when they dropped the previous brood prematurely and gave birth to at least one more baby. For the species as a whole, making adult offspring at risk can be a wise choice if it makes more room. A secondary benefit is ensuring that at least one member of the brood survives. The birds raise many chicks together, all their lost disaster in the attack of a single predator; once the youngsters are let out they go their separate ways and no hunter is less likely to get them all.

Nevertheless, these averages hide a wide variety of species. Brown-headed cowboys get the biggest increase in deaths after leaving home, but it’s no surprise that they consider them as emerging brood parasites because their biological parents used mafia techniques to make clothes for others.

However, the growing battlefield daily survival rate has also plummeted post-fugitive, while the death rate for the North Cardinals is barely recognizable. Six of the songbirds species in the study studied allow their young to stay until it is safe to leave. In fact, the daily survival for the gold-cheeked warbler is at least somewhat improved outside the nest. “Some of these species are declining dramatically across the Midwest. They are probably on the edge of the razor.

Unfortunately for anyone looking for tips, the researchers did not observe how the parents were able to leave their young man behind, nor did any young man devise strategies to increase their position.