Users of WhatsApp are being asked to delete a text message that is being exploited to steal data. After a customer assistance fraud was reported by multiple users, WhatsApp blog WABetaInfo is advising users to be cautious. At first sight, the SMS message appears to be a communication from customer service. Scammers are utilizing it to obtain credit card information or people’s codes to log into their accounts, threatening them with account termination until they hand over the information. The message contains the WhatsApp logo as their profile photo, along with a little verified tick to make it appear real, putting forth a little more effort than ordinary fraudsters.
Due to the lack of a green dot next to their contact name, it is possible to distinguish the account from the actual WhatsApp. Instead, the dot displays on the profile photo of the fraudster. Another indicator is that WhatsApp would never ask for your credit card number or pin, according to WABetaInfo.

If you receive the message, delete it and block the number, according to the Manchester Evening News, and never give out personal information to anybody on the network, even friends and relatives. You may enable two-factor verification for further protection, which prevents anybody from accessing your account without also having access to your authenticator.
A fake account has been issued an urgent warning to WhatsApp users. WABetaInfo, a popular WhatsApp site, is warning users to be cautious since a support fraud is circulating, attempting to get users to pass over personal information. The instant messaging service’s two billion customers have been advised to be cautious and delete the text immediately if they get it. When you’re conversing with a verified contact, a verified badge appears next to their name and chat information in the discussion screen.
Let’s analyze why it’s necessary to do everything you can to strengthen your online account security before answering the query “what is two-factor authentication” or “what 2FA is.” It’s no surprise that our digital accounts have become a magnet for fraudsters because we spend so much of our time on our phones and laptops. Malicious assaults on governments, businesses, and individuals are becoming increasingly widespread. And there are no indicators that hacking, data breaches, or other types of cybercrime will slow down anytime soon! Fortunately, two-factor authentication, often known as 2FA, is a simple way for organizations to add an extra layer of security to user accounts.