Modern Civilization

Democracy vs. Dictatorship

Democracy vs. Dictatorship

Democracy vs. Dictatorship

Democracy and Dictatorship are two political philosophies. Democracy is a form of government in which the citizen is eligible to choose their representative in the government. We often hear these two terms together as these two are the most common types of government often at odds with one another. In theory, democracy is the best form of government. Democracy is the government of the people which gives the right to all the eligible citizens to participate in electing their political leaders by giving them a voice in legislation. There are some basic qualities or characteristics of democracy that are equality, political freedom, and the rule of law. Dictatorship gives absolute power to one individual, dictator. It is a form of government in which absolute power is in the hands of the dictator.

The difference between democracy and dictatorship is that in a democracy people get to choose their leaders while in dictatorship single individual or political entity rules the country. In a democracy, development happens to fulfill the need of people. On the other hand, in dictatorship development happens according to the dictator. Democracy allows the free development of human personality whereas the other form of government hinders the development of human personality. It makes all the citizens interested in their country by giving them a voice in legislation. Both are opposite political philosophies in terms of perception and approach and come with some merits and demerits.

Democracy literally means the rule of the people. The basic characteristics of democracy are equality, liberty, and fraternity. It has been defined as a government of the people, by the people for the people. It gives freedom of thought, speech, and expression. It promises active participation and involvement of the governed in the governance. The chief principle of democracy is that power is implemented with respect to human rights. It makes people interested in the country and its democratic process. In a democratic government, individuals’ freedom and rights are given importance. Democracy gives the right to eligible people to choose their leader but most people make irrational judgments. If the citizens are not satisfied with their representatives, they may not re-elect them in the next elections.

In a dictatorship, the governed have no right to voice his/her opinion. In a dictatorship, absolute power is concentrated in the hands of the dictator. Dictatorships often occur when a nation is economically and politically unstable. A strong and well-run dictatorship can be very effective. It can prove to be better than democracy. But there is fear that the dictator may become authoritarian and ruthless. It takes away people’s freedom of speech, thought, expression and faith. A dictatorship can run smoothly and steadily as the power lies in the hands of a single individual. People have to obey the order of the government on fear of stringent punishments. It is solely on the dictator as to how he uses the power. The means of production and the agencies of distribution are controlled by the state. He can use it for the advancement of the nation or for purposes like exploiting people, terrorism and so on.

Democracy and dictatorship are two forms of government having their own plus and minus points. There is no guarantee that justice would be served in any form of government. It is difficult to decide as to which form is superior to the other. The success of any form of government is based on the selection of rulers or political leaders selected by-elections. Above all, democracy is the best form of government that most of the nation of the world love and practice.