
Develop and Implement of Core Competencies

Develop and Implement of Core Competencies

Develop and Implement of Core Competencies

A core competency is something that a company does well relative to other internal activities. They are what the company does best and consist of the combined activities, operations, and resources that distinguish the company from competitors. The core competencies can be developed and implement by the following ways:

Enabling e-commerce: In order to develop and implement core competencies, a company should build networks and systems that enable e-commerce.

New products: In order to develop and implement core competency, a company should try to supply new or next-generation products into markets quickly.

Good after-sale service: In order to develop and implement core competency, a company should try to provide good after-sale service to the customers.

Quick response to market change: In order to develop and implement core competency, a company should respond to new market trends and changing competitive conditions quickly.

Proper filling of customers orders: In order to develop and implement core competency, a company should develop a system for filling customers’ orders accurately and swiftly.

Using modem technology: In order to develop and implement core competencies, a company should use modem technology high-quality products for customers.

So, these are the various ways through which the core competencies of a company can be developed and implemented.