A global company is a firm doing business is more than one country. The definition is too simple but captures the main concept of the global firm. The global word defined here according to its ownership or its reach.
Globalization is the tendency of investment funds and businesses to move beyond domestic and national markets to other markets around the globe, thereby increasing the interconnectedness of different markets. Globalization has had the effect of markedly increasing not only international trade but also cultural exchange. So, a global company is one that does business in at least one country outside of its country of origin.
A global company has a foothold in multiple countries but the offerings and processes are reliable in each country. For example, a soda brand can set up a superstore in dissimilar countries, but the recipe does not transform in the global model. Although using the term global in reference to business began in recent years, doing business globally isn’t new. One example is that of Coca-Cola, which a fledgling startup was in 1886.