We know how close you pitch off a good start. Who doesn’t? It combines the thrill of live, high-level entertainment with learning about the most new things. Also, you’ll hear feedback from some of the smartest people in the industry, thus learning in your next pitch meeting with the VC how to completely crush each other one by one. With all of this in mind, we’re launching a special summer edition of Crunch Live in Extra Time, which will last forever.
On July 21 and 28, Additional Crunch Live will feature startups appearing in Startup Alley at TechCrunch Disruption 2021 in September. These startups will take their products/businesses to multiple expert VC judges, who then respond directly to them. Extra Crunch Live is usually a combination of an interview with a founder/investor pair and a pitch-off viewer. But it’s summer, and since the disaster is right around the corner we thought it would be fun to bring you more pitches and more feedback.

On July 21, our expert VC judges will be Alexa von Tobel of Inspiration Capital and Anis Uzzaman of Pegasus Tech Ventures. Special thanks to you, all appearances from this episode of Extra Crunch Live will enter a random drawing for a chance to win one of three free tickets to TechCrunch Disruption 2021. After the event, we will randomly select 3 winners and send details of how to clear their passes.
Do you need to submit any additional information to enter the drawing? All you have to do is click on the link below to register for the Extra Crunch Live and take part in the July 21st event. Alexa von Tobel has learned to establish which sold for millions of dollars. He then found and fulfilled his responsibilities as a general partner in Inspired Capital. He has participated in numerous TechCrunch events and was also a guest on ExtraCrunch Live earlier this year. Long story short: He’s smart pants and a fun person to hang out with.