
Initial Project Coordination

Initial Project Coordination

Initial project coordination: It is crucial that the project’s objectives be clearly tied to the overall mission, goals, and strategy of the organization, such as might be reflected in the project portfolio process. Senior management should delineate the firm’s intent in undertaking the project, outline the scope of the project; and describe how the project’s desired results reinforce the organization’s goals. Project coordination involves managing the day-to-day operations of a project, making sure the resources are aware of deadlines and tasks that they are responsible, managing meeting minutes, and so on

The individual leading the launch meeting is first to define the scope of the project. When the project is to deliver a product/service to an outside client, the fundamental planning process is unchanged except for the fact that the specifications cannot be altered without the client’s permission. The success of the project lunch meeting is absolutely dependent on the existence of a well-defined set of objectives. Whatever the process, the outcome must be that –

  • the technical scope is established;
  • basic areas of performance responsibility are accepted by the participants;
  • any tentative delivery dates or budget set by the parent organization are clearly noted; and,
  • a risk management group is created.