The Internet is buzzing with reports that Chinese scientists have discovered probable alien technology signals using the world’s biggest radio telescope, the FAST (Five-hundred-meter Aperture Spherical Radio Telescope). The China Extraterrestrial Civilization Research Group of Beijing Normal University has discovered signals that they suspect are artificial in origin, according to Chinese media outlets such as the state news outlet Global Times, Yicai Global, and Science and Technology Daily.
The signals were allegedly initially seen in 2019, but were only discovered when the data was analysed in 2020. This year, another signal from a designated exoplanet was discovered. The information, however, has not been made public. FAST, or “Sky Eye,” is the world’s most sensitive radio telescope, designed to peer into the furthest reaches of the cosmos. It possesses alien signal detection technology and begins a formal hunt in 2020. The primary goal is to filter out viable narrow-band candidate signals from the telescope’s massive volume of electromagnetic radiation, omitting both astronomical and human-made signals.

While others have previously gone on the extraterrestrial bandwagon, the researchers are the first to back off. There’s a good probability the interference they’re witnessing is caused by Earth-bound radio transmissions. “The unusual signal might possibly be radio interference, which must be confirmed or ruled out further.” Professor Zhang Tongjie, head scientist of the Extraterrestrial Civilization Research Group, told Yicai Global that the procedure might take a long time.
According to Science and Technology Daily, Prof. Zhang stated, “‘China Sky Eye’ would repeat the observation of suspicious signals that have been detected in order to further identify and detect new signals.” “We hope that ‘China Sky Eye’ will be the first to locate and confirm alien civilizations.” However, because exceptional claims demand extraordinary evidence, the data will need to be further examined.
The “China Sky Eye” has made significant progress since it began its quest for alien civilizations. Professor Zhang Tongjie, head of the China Extraterrestrial Civilization Research Group at Beijing Normal University’s Department of Astronomy and Extraterrestrial Civilization Research Group, recently revealed that his team used the “Chinese Sky Eye” to find several cases of possible technological traces and extraterrestrial civilizations from beyond the earth.
Indication of a candidate According to Zhang Tongjie, there are various narrow-band electromagnetic signals that are distinct from those seen previously, and the team is presently doing more research. “We’ve been looking for ‘China Sky Eye’ for a long time and have put in a lot of effort.”