
Management by Objectives methods to Analyzing Job

Management by Objectives methods to Analyzing Job

Management by Objectives methods to Analyzing Job

Job analysis is the systematic investigation of job content, the physical circumstances in which the job is carried out, and the qualifications needed to carry out job responsibilities. It is a process to identify and determine in detail the particular job duties and requirements and the relative importance of these duties for a given job.

Management by Objectives (MBO): is a system that features an agreement by a superior and a subordinate on the subordinate’s objectives for a particular period and a periodic review of how well the subordinate achieved those objectives. Management by objectives specifies the performance goals that individual hope to attain within an appropriate length of time. The objectives that each manager sets are derived from the overall goals.

Advantages: The greatest benefit of MBO is that it provides an objective, performance-based method of job analysis. MBO can enhance superior-subordinate relationships, improve communications, and provide a better coaching framework.

Disadvantages: Too much emphasis on measurable quantitative objectives can lead to neglect of other important responsibilities.

Emphasis on measurement and qualification may result in a sacrifice of quality.