NASA’s Curiosity Mars rover captured a close-up image of Terra Firme, a rock with the shape of an open book. The image was captured using a specialized camera known as the Mars Hand Lens Imager (MAHLI).
The rock’s peculiar shape, at just over an inch across, is not a rare occurrence, as Martian rocks are frequently sculpted by water seeping through cracks, bringing with it tougher minerals that aid in the long-term erosion of the rock’s form.
In this example, the boulder was eroded over time by sand storms and very powerful winds until it took on its current shape, which almost completely resembles an open book.
Curiosity is a mobile laboratory that was launched in November 2011 from Florida’s Cape Canaveral and landed on Mars in August 2012, in a region known as Gale Crater.

Curiosity was launched by NASA as part of a long-term mission to explore Mars in previously unknown ways. The Jet Propulsion Laboratory and the California Institute of Technology run the unmanned lab.
The mission’s goals are to find out if there is any life on Mars and to learn more about the planet’s climate, including whether it might ever support human life or possibly allow humans to construct artificial structures on any of Mars’s landmasses.
These could be seen as incubators with living quarters, similar to what is seen in research stations at the North Pole, but of a larger size.
Eight scientific goals have been established in order to fulfill the stated objectives. The rover, which is outfitted with cutting-edge gear such as cameras, spectrometers, and sensors, has undertaken experiments and intelligence-gathering trips to assist scientists in better comprehending the history and evolution of this extraordinary planet.
The most notable discoveries thus far have been evidence of ancient water ravines and the presence of organic molecules, indicating that microbiological life forms existed on Mars at some point in the past.