
Premature Marriage

Premature Marriage

Premature marriage means early marriage. It means a wedding between a young boy and a young girl before they are matured. If boys marry before twenty-one and girls before eighteen, it is called premature marriage. Early marriage is a violation of children’s human rights. In a development country, poor boys and girls who are illiterate are the victims of premature marriage. Early marriage denies girls their right to make vital decisions about their sexual health and well-being. In such a condition of her health, a weak baby is born with different complications. They are married according to the wish of their parents and grandparents. Many parents try to find a husband for their daughters before they attain the age of maturity. They are married even before fifteen.

Premature marriage has a negative effect on both the mind and body of the boys and girls. It forces them out of education and into a life of poor prospects, with an increased risk of violence, abuse, ill health or early death. Boys suffer a lot because they have to work hard to run a family. On the other hand, girls matter even more because they have to risk their lives during premature child birth. As a result, the girl’s health breaks down. A young wife is being conceived to suffer from malnutrition and other diseases. Sometimes, premature marriage leads to divorce, suicide, and unnatural death. The mortality rate of mothers increases. As they are illiterate and superstition they cannot control birth. They have more children and the population increases. It also hinders higher education of girls and boys stopping their education from being loaded by the responsibility of married life. To solve the problem premature marriage must be stopped. They should be made aware of the great problem created by premature marriage.

The government should impose necessary laws on early marriage. We find that illiteracy, poverty, selfish attitude, unconsciousness, religious misinterpretation, dowry system, etc. are some of the causes of premature marriage. To encourage female education the government should also take some positive actions such as giving stipends to girls, recruiting more female teachers, etc. The parents should be made aware of the bad effects of early marriage. Different mass media can play an important role in solving the problem. These will help to stop premature and we should make people conscious about the bad effects of early marriage. Only then we can get rid of the curse of premature marriage.