

Coast: The boundary between land and sea. It includes the strip of land that borders the seashore. Seashore is the region where land meets the…
Catchment Area

Catchment Area

Catchment Area: The area drained by a major river and its tributaries. It is the area from which rainfall flows into a river, lake, or…


Bedrock is the solid rock lying beneath the soil and weathered material. It is the solid rock underlying unconsolidated surface materials (such as soil). It…


Arid: Denoting any climate or region in which the rainfall is insufficient or barely sufficient to support vegetation. Nearly 33% of the Earth’s land is…
Alluvial Plain

Alluvial Plain

Alluvial Plain A level tract of land made up of alluvium or fine rock material brought down by a river. It is a level or…
Disaster Management and Mitigation

Disaster Management and Mitigation

Disaster Management and Mitigation Disasters due to cyclones, unlike the ones caused by earthquakes, tsunamis, and volcanic eruptions are more predictable in terms of the…
Landslide Vulnerability Zones in India

Landslide Vulnerability Zones in India

Landslide Vulnerability Zones in India A landslide is defined as the movement of a mass of rock, debris, or earth down a slope. It is…
Consequences of Landslides

Consequences of Landslides

Consequences of Landslides A landslide is defined as the movement of a mass of rock, debris, or earth down a slope. Landslides have relatively small…
Landslide as Disaster

Landslide as Disaster

A landslide is defined as the movement of a mass of rock, debris, or earth down a slope. It is a geologic procedure in which…
Consequences of Drought

Consequences of Drought

Consequences of Drought The term ‘drought’ is applied to an extended period when there is a shortage of water availability due to inadequate precipitation, excessive…
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