Duty is more Precious than Reward Duty is more precious than reward A rich lady was suffering from bad eye-sight. So he engaged a doctor or her treatment and promised to…
Moral Story: The Old Lion and the Fox The old lion and the fox An old lion, who was too weak to hunt or fight for his food, decided that he must get…
Moral Story: Dividing the Bread Dividing the bread One day two cats found a piece of bread somewhere. Each of them wanted to have the larger share of it. They…
Devotion to Mother – Story of Bayazid Bostami Devotion to mother Bayazid Bostami was a small boy. His mother was ill. One night the entire village was in deep sleep. He was studying…
Moral Story: King Midas and his Golden Touch Moral Story: King Midas and his golden touch Once upon a time there was a king called Midas. He was extremely fond of gold. Although…
Moral Story: The cunning fox and the foolish crocodile Moral Story: The cunning fox and the foolish crocodile Once a crocodile wanted her four children to be educated. She went to a fox to…
Moral Story: Nobody Believes a Liar Nobody believes a liar Once there was a cowboy. He kept a flock of cows near a forest. He used to tell lies and often…
Moral Story: Grasp all, Lose all Moral Story: Grasp all, lose all Once there lived a farmer in a village. He had a wonderful goose. It laid an egg of gold…
Moral Story: Slow and Steady Wins the Race Moral Story: Slow and steady wins the race Long long ago there lived a hare in a forest. He was very speedy in movement and…
Moral Story: A Fox without Tail A fox without tail One day a fox in a jungle fell into a trap. He tried hard to be free and managed somehow but…