
The Ariel School Phenomenon What Really Happened When 68 Children Witnessed A UFO

The Ariel School Phenomenon What Really Happened When 68 Children Witnessed A UFO

On September 16, 1994, 62 children at the Ariel School in Ruwa, Zimbabwe, reported they saw an unidentified UFO fall from the sky and land in a nearby field. The occurrence, which became known in UFO circles as the Ariel School Phenomenom, began on a rather ordinary day. Some of the students claim to have seen a silvery disc land on a hill just outside of boundaries during recess, while the instructors stayed inside for a staff meeting. The students allegedly went to the school’s edge to get a closer look, with some reporting to see individuals emerge from what they described as a craft.

After the break, the kids told their instructors about the incident, which they said lasted up to 15 minutes and drew a lot of (justified) suspicion. However, when they spoke with their parents later that night, they had questions, which the teachers were then requested to answer. The school’s principal requested the students to draw what they had seen after this encouragement and the intervention of a local UFO researcher. They all returned with comparable photographs of silvery, classic UFO-type craft, sometimes with extraterrestrial beings standing nearby.

“It appeared to be glinting among the woods. It appeared to be a disc. Like a spherical disc, “A few days after the occurrence, a young witness informed the BBC.” Among the trees, I noticed something silver on the ground. In addition, there is a person dressed in black “another individual stated. From here, the tale only grows more convoluted, making it impossible to understand out precisely what happened.

Cynthia Hind, a local UFO researcher, questioned the kids the day following the incident. What struck Hind as odd was that the students – who came from a variety of backgrounds, though all came from wealthy families because tuition was expensive – described similar features in the figures and UFOs, despite interpreting the phenomenon in wildly different ways depending on their upbringing. Some speculated that the figures were Zvikwambo (human spirits raised by sorcery) or tokoloshe (human spirits raised by magic) (evil goblin creatures of Shona and Ndebele folklore). 

Hind feels that the children’s differing views, which were backed by identical drawings and descriptions, added credence to the assumption that they had all witnessed the same incident. According to the TV show Sightings, she also believes the youngsters would not have had access to UFO-related material, which might have contaminated their evidence or placed similar pictures in their minds “Many of these kids never go to the movies. They dwell on the outskirts of town. Farmers are my parents “…

The reasoning is that if they had never seen these visuals before and then recounted something similar, their extraterrestrial experience would have more credibility. The youngsters were then interviewed by John Mack, a Harvard professor of psychology. A new narrative arose from the testimony gathered by Mack. The youngsters claimed to have received telepathic communications from the “aliens” while speaking with the professor, who had recently written a book on UFOs and was very interested in the subject. Mack has also recently been probed by Harvard for allowing patients who had “claimed a ‘close contact’ with an Extraterrestrial life form that this event could well have been true” to believe that it was real.

His interview approach was shoddy, despite the fact that he was one of the reasons why the Ariel School event is so well-known. It’s possible he pushed the youngsters (maybe unknowingly) to recall these psychic experiences since he came months after the tragedy, meaning they could cement their accounts in their brains. Hind, on the other hand, had questioned the kids in groups of four to six, which made the similarity of narrative details less remarkable. Another issue with Hind’s claim that the youngsters were unaware of common images of aliens in the media was that the country was engulfed in a UFO frenzy at the time.

The Zenit-2 rocket from the Cosmos 2290 satellite launch had re-entered the atmosphere two days prior, resulting in a blaze in the sky. Some locals were unsure what the item was, and ZBC Radio has received numerous calls from people claiming to have seen UFOs. Hind learnt about the event after speaking with the station after a call regarding the school was placed. More reasonable interpretations vary from widespread panic to a simple joke on behalf of the schoolchildren, and do not need you to assume that aliens arrived here, delivered a cryptic message to certain schoolchildren, and then flew away.

According to one group that documented examples of public hysteria in Africa around this time, we should be able to designate this and comparable incidents as mass hysteria without digging too far. “Time should not be squandered in a useless search for environmental precipitants,” physicians wrote in the Malawi Medical Journal, “which may contribute to extend the episode by encouraging behavior.” “In other words, when all physical, chemical, and biological variables have been ruled out, mass hysteria should not be considered an excluding diagnosis.”