Functions of Blood of Toad

Functions of Blood of Toad

Functions of Blood of Toad: Supply of essence of food and water: Plasma supplies the digested food materials and water to various parts of the…
Blood Circulatory System of Toad

Blood Circulatory System of Toad

Blood is a kind of liquid connective tissue. The blood of toad is red. It is produced from the mesoderm cell layer of the embryo.…
Circulatory System of Toad

Circulatory System of Toad

The circulatory system is the internal transport mechanism by which nutritive materials, hormones, waste products, carbon dioxide, and oxygen are conveyed to the different parts…
Digestion in Ileum of Toad

Digestion in Ileum of Toad

When the digested food substance reaches the ileum, enzymes are secreted from its walls. There are Protein splitting trypsin, carbohydrates spliting amylase, moltase, sucrase, lactase…
Digestion in Duodenum of Toad

Digestion in Duodenum of Toad

When the chyme reaches the duodenum from the stomach, it comes in contact with the bile, secreted from the liver and pancreatic juice from pancreas.…
Digestion in Stomach of Toad

Digestion in Stomach of Toad

Inner walls of the stomach are glandular. After the food substances reach the stomach a hormone is secreted from its walls. This hormone is called…
Nutrition and Digestion System of Toad

Nutrition and Digestion System of Toad

Nutrition System of Toad Intake of food, digestion of food, absorption of digested food materials, and elimination of undigested waste materials are included in nutrition.…
Digestive Glands of Toad

Digestive Glands of Toad

The glands which secrete digestive juices and digestion and helps in the digestive process are called the digestive glands. The major digestive glands are Gastric…
Alimentary Canal of Toad

Alimentary Canal of Toad

The canal extended from, the mouth opening to the cloacal aperture is called the alimentary canal or gut. Sometimes this canal is narrow and sometimes…
Digestive System of Toad

Digestive System of Toad

The toad lives on worms, insects, etc. The cells of the body cannot assimilate these food substances directly. Hence digestion of food material is required.…
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