
Use of Circular Letter for Announcing New Products

Use of Circular Letter for Announcing New Products

Factors for circular letter announcing new products:

Circular letter is one of the oldest types letter. This kind of letter originated in ancient time when people felt the necessity of circulating any message to a large number of people at a time in the same way. Writing circular letter for announcing new products and services is commonly found in business. Such a circular letter should consider the following factors:

  • Drawing the interest of the reader to the message with some appealing words.
  • Outlining the business progress in future and mentioning the regular improvements for the customers connivance.
  • Giving information of the new product.
  • Describing the features and utility of new products.
  • Appreciating the patronage provided by customers in the past and requesting them to continue it In the future.
  • Requesting the customers to place trial order.