
Entrepreneurial Motivation

Entrepreneurial Motivation

Entrepreneurial Motivation

Generally, motivation is the set of forces that cause people to do something. It is an inner state that energizes and directs behaviour toward goals. So, motivation is the set of intangible forces that stimulate someone to take a desired course of action. Thus, we can say that entrepreneurial motivation is the set of forces that energizes, directs and encourages a person to take initiative and carry out entrepreneurial activities. It is defined as diverse factors arouse desires and activate eagerness in entrepreneurs which make them accomplish an exacting goal.

The entrepreneurial motivation is the procedure that activates and motivates the entrepreneur to make use of higher level of efforts for the accomplishment of his/her entrepreneurial goals. Scholars have conducted various researches on entrepreneurial motivations and have come up with numerous factors that motivate people to become entrepreneurs. In fact, there have been renowned cases where successful entrepreneurs haven’t been found possessing many or all the exceptional characteristics recognized by experts to become successful entrepreneurs.