Modern Civilization

Environment Pollution

Environment Pollution

Environment Pollution

The atmosphere we live in is called the environment. The elements of our surroundings are air, water, soil, forest, etc. Environment Pollution refers to a major change in chemical, biological and physical characteristics of Environment. The people are suffering so much because of the pollution and they are the reason behind causing pollution. Fresh environment is necessary for us.

But the polluted environment is dangerous for us. The environment is contaminated in many ways. Today, it has turned into severe difficulty all over the world. Extreme and unnecessary usage of vehicles and smoke and other things causes environmental pollution. Smoke pollutes the air. Man makes a fire to cook food, to make brick, to melt pitch, to burn garbage and waste. The air is principally being polluted by smoke from factories and from carbon dioxide gases emitted from motor and water vehicles. This fir creates smoke and pollutes the environment. It has become a world problem and everyone is suffering because of this problem. Water is another vital component of the environment. Man pollutes water in many ways. Water is polluted mainly as a consequence of unprocessed sewage, industrial wastes and insecticides use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides. Unhygienic latrine causes environment pollution. Farmers use chemical fertilizer and insecticide in the field. These mix with water and cause water pollution. Soil gets polluted either directly by removal and dumping of solid wastes or indirectly by air pollution. Sound is another part of an environment that is polluted by dissimilar sound systems like dish TV, microphones, loudspeakers, buses, trucks, watercraft, mills, and powerhouses. Environmental pollution is also caused because of the fast growth of industries and the nuclear tests that takes place in the world.

Environment pollution is severe trouble. The Earth is a beautiful place to live in and one cannot ruin it and should not destroy it. This pollution leads us to the rapid way of death. We all should try to get rid of it. The consciousness of people should be increased. People are cutting trees to build houses and in such a case what they don’t understand is that they are snatching the homes of the birds and other animals that live in trees to make their houses and buildings. We should plant more and more trees. The factories should not be permissible in the housing area. The government should take essential steps to discontinue it. If we want to enjoy a happy, hale and hearty life, environment pollution must be controlled.