
Epidermis Formation and Function in Plants

Epidermis Formation and Function in Plants


Epidermis is present on the outer surface of the whole plant body. The cells of the epidermal tissue form a continuous layer without any intercellular space. Plant epidermis is unique because it is actually two different layers of cells: the upper epidermis and the lower epidermis.


  • This is generally one cell in thickness and is compactly arranged by parenchymatous cells.
  • Epidermis may bear multicellular stem hairs and in very young stage may bear stomata.
  • A cuticle, made of cutin, is usually present on the outer wall of the cells.


(i) It protects the internal tissues and minimizes the loss of water through evaporation.

(ii) If chloroplast is present it can prepare food.

(iii) Cells of epidermis are water resistant thus prevent excess loss of water

(iv) It is a protective tissue which protect the plant body

(v) It allows exchange of gases through the stomata.