
Explain Total Internal Reflection of Optical Fibres

The total internal reflection is the basic principle of optical fibre. An optical fibre is a very thin fibre made of glass or quartz having radius of the order of micrometer (10-6m). A bundle, of such thin fibres forms a ‘light pipe’ (Fig. a).


(Fig. b) shows the principle of light transmission inside an optical fibre. The refractive index of the material of the core is higher than that of the cladding. When the light is incident at one end of the fibre at a small angle, the light passes inside, undergoes repeated total internal reflections along the fibre and finally comes out. The angle of incidence is always larger than the critical angle of the core material with respect to its cladding. Even if the fibre is bent or twisted, the light can easily travel through the fibre. Light pipes are used in medical and optical examination. They are also used to transmit communication signals