


Greenwashing is the practice of making an unfinished or misleading claim about the environmental benefits of practicing a product, service, technology, or organization. Greenwashing is considered an unsubstantiated claim to deceive customers for believing that any company’s products are environmentally friendly. It involves putting forward environmental arguments in order to create an environmentally responsible image among the public. Yet, the reality of reality does not match or inadequately relate to the content of shared messages. Common examples present in the marketing of food products, alternative medicines, and natural medicines.

Evidence of greenwashing by an organization often points to cost differences: when significantly more money or time is spent on environmental wording than advertising is marked as “green” (which is conducted with the environment in mind). Greenwashing can make an organization feel more environmentally friendly than it actually is. It can be used to differentiate an organization’s products or services from its competitors by promising more efficient use of electricity or becoming more affordable over time. Greenwashing is therefore a “mask” used to cover up “temporary” corporate agendas and policies. High public complaints about greenwashing have contributed to an increase in the use of the term. Greenwashing is therefore a “mask” used to cover up “temporary” corporate agendas and policies. High public complaints about greenwashing have contributed to an increase in the use of the term. While some environmental claims may be partially true, companies involved in greenwashing usually exaggerate the benefits in an attempt to mislead their claims or consumers.

As the green computing movement grows, some technology vendors and hardware manufacturers change their packaging, advertising, or branding in Green Washing to focus on the benefits of producing green, recyclable, or energy-saving products. The problem is further complicated by regulatory bodies such as the Federal Trade Commission in the United States, the Competition Bureau of Canada and the Advertising Practice Committee, and the Advertising Practice Broadcasting Committee in the United Kingdom. Companies that are heavily involved in greenwashing have made headlines over the years. For example, in the mid-1980s, the oil company Chevron commissioned several expensive television and print advertisements to broadcast environmental sacrifices. With the increasing transparency and scrutiny of many corporations, non-governmental organizations, advocacy groups, and collaborative citizen journalism in the blogosphere have all helped to reveal what environmental demands are right and what is wrong.

Critics of the practice suggest the rise of greenwashing, associated with dysfunctional controls, contributes to consumer skepticism towards green demand and reduces consumer power in companies driven toward green solutions for manufacturing processes and business activities. Customers who have researched their purchase decision can consult with the National Advertising Department (NAD) of the Council of Better Business Bureau (CBBB), which administers voluntary self-regulation for the advertising industry. However, as the pace of environmental movements increased and more corporations tried to frame them as environmentally friendly, the scope of greenwashing violations widened. Many corporate structures use greenwashing as a way to restore the public perception of their brand. Corporate disclosure frameworks are often set up to get the most out of legalization. In short, companies that make unhealthy claims that their products are environmentally safe or provide some green benefits are involved in greenwashing.