
Listen To The Sound Of Perseverance Driving On Mars

Listen To The Sound Of Perseverance Driving On Mars

Perseverance landed on Mars a month ago and it has already begun exploring the Jezero Crater. Among its impressive suits, the NASA rover is equipped with a microphone and delivers the first recorded sound of Mars. The space agency has now released some new words. Persistent shaking, whirling, and shouting can hear as six metal wheels pass over the rocks. The rover ran about 27.3 meters (90 feet) in March, which was the first Martian Day Perseverance spent on the Red Planet (Soul 16).

Vandi Verma, a senior engineer and rover driver at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory, said in a statement, “When a lot of people look at pictures, don’t appreciate the wheels being metallic. When you’re driving on rocks with these wheels, it’s actually very noisy.” 

“Differences between Earth and Mars – We have feelings for perspective, but the word has a completely different dimension: to see the differences between Earth and Mars and to feel that environment more closely.” The audio was recorded by Perseverance’s entry, descent and landing (EDL) microphone. It is an off-the-shelf piece that added to give the spacecraft landing a more sensitive experience and now used to capture the sounds of surface and rover activities. 

NASA has released two recordings. An 85-second long with drive highlights – this has edited to filter out some noise. If this is not enough for you, you can diagnose the full 16 minute and 21 second version in full raw and molded. “If I heard these noises driving my car, I could pull and call for a call,” explained Dave Gruel, lead engineer of the Mars 2020 EDL camera and microphone subsystem. “But if you take a minute to consider what you’re listening to and where it’s recorded, it makes sense.”

In addition, although most of the noises we expect from the speed of the wheels and the suspension on rough terrain, the sound of high scratching is vague. The engineering team is evaluating if there could be anything related to the speed of the electromagnetic interference or stability from the electronic box. The rover has been very busy for the last 28 days. Perseverance returned the sound of his SuperCam firing lasers, examined its robotic arm, and observed some weather (including its first dust devil identification). It has found a suitable place for Martian Helicopter Ingenuity, which will soon try to fly its five test aircraft.