
Ranking methods to Analyzing Job

Ranking methods to Analyzing Job

Ranking methods to Analyzing Job

Job analysis is the systematic investigation of job content, the physical circumstances in which the job is carried out, and the qualifications needed to carry out job responsibilities. It is a process to identify and determine in detail the particular job duties and requirements and the relative importance of these duties for a given job.

Ranking methods: There are varieties of ranking procedures, but basically the supervisor ranks all employees from best to poorest on one or more scales. The ranking method consists of listing all employees from highest to lowest in performance. The primary drawback of the ranking method is that the size of the differences among individuals is not well defined.

Advantages: Ranking method is easy to measure. It requires less time. Cots are very low. Information about employees’ is available. Performance analysis is easy.

Disadvantages: If groups differ in size, statistical corrections need to be made to compare the relative standing of individuals across groups. Another difficulty in ranking methods is that the distance in performance between two people tends to be obscured.