
Responsibilities of Businessman about Product Information

Responsibilities of Businessman about Product Information

Responsibilities of Businessman about Product Information

Understanding consumer needs and producing goods and services to satisfy those needs do not complete business’s responsibilities to consumers. Business has additional responsibilities to provide adequate and truthful information so that consumers can make intelligent buying decisions.

(a) Truth in advertising: Consumers need a variety of information about products if they are to make intelligent buying decisions. Business can and does provide much of this information through advertising.

(b) Warranties: Problems of misleading information, fraudulent information and implied safety of use are increasing the necessity of warranty, warranty are two kinds- implied and express.

(c) Magnitude of litigant: Magnitude of litigation means a staggering increase in the number of product liability suits and in the size of judgments.

(d) The doctrine of private contract: The doctrine of private of contract meant that injured consumers could sue only the person from whom they purchased a defective product not the producer.

(e) Doctrine of strict liability in tort: Doctrine of strict liability in tort means manufacturers are responsible for injuries resulting from use of their products.

(f) Boarding liability for product performance: The responsibilities of business for satisfactory product performance are now well established.

(g) Responsibility for self-regulation: The business system would be a self regulating system regard to consumer responsibilities particularly for product information and performance.

Responsibilities of product information: There are some responsibility provides product information with their customers that are-

(a) Truth in advertising: All information about product is known to the customer by advertising. So advertising must be truth and fair.

(b) Warranties: When any manufacturers are provided product warranties to influence the customer buy it. The warranties systems two ways such as express and implied.

(c) Magnitude of litigation: Traditionally the consumers have little legal recourse against produces of fault products. The common legal defenses available to producers. Were the doctrine of privities of contract, warranties, and the doctrine of strict liability in tort?

(d) The doctrine of privities of contract: It is stressed direct contractual relationships and held the producers could avoid responsibility for product failure if a product was purchase from someone other than producers himself.