The story of the flood that you may be most familiar with is probably Noah’s Ark, but it is far from the only story of a huge flood sent by God to destroy a civilization. As it turns out there are eight main plots: overcoming monsters, shaking off wealth, finding, traveling and returning, jokes, tragedies, reincarnations, and religious people escaping the wrath of God by making big boats.
According to early flood mythology, the Babylonian god Ea sent a flood that wiped out all humanity except Uta–napishti (also known as Utnapishtim), who safely left the animals in an ark and drowned everyone, familiar words? It should be the Babylonian story, built on 3,000-year-old clay tablets as part of Gilgamesh’s epic, believed to have inspired the Bible version.
Where there is a difference, the University of Cambridge. Martin Worthington says in his new book Duplicate in Gilgamesh Floods the way the ship was loaded. An Assyriologist who specializes in Babylonian, Assyrian and Sumerian grammar, literature and medicine, Dr. Worthington has analyzed the nine-line story written in ancient tablets, and his new research claims that the Babylonians were deceived into making the god Ark.

“It simply came to our notice then. He promised his people to the Babylonian Noah, known as Utanpishti that if they helped build the ark, there would be food rain from the sky, “Warrington explained in a statement. “What people don’t understand is that A’s nine-line message is a strategy: it’s a sequence of words that can be understood in completely different ways, like in English ‘ice cream’ and ‘I’m screaming’.”
He added, “Although the air message promised rain of food, its secret meaning warns of flooding.” Everyone else drowned. With this first episode, set in mythology, information and language manipulation began. This may be an early example of fake news.”
The basic technique is that bits come down to two lines, which can explained in different ways:
“ina šēr(-)kukkī” and “ina lilâti ušaznanakkunūši šamūt kibāti”
The positive explanation, Worthington translated, is to tell people that “in the morning there will be cuckoo-cakes, in the evening he will rain a shower of wheat on you.” Meanwhile, there several negative ways in which the same sentence can explain. Dr. Worthington suggested that their meaning could also explain:
“By the wind-monster, He will send down on you rain as thick as wheat (grain) by fire,” and “In the morning He will send down on you (this) rain in the darkness of the East.” “Dark twilight he will rain grain on you like wheat.”
Mythical people seem to have interpreted it as a cake, literally looking at the “cake or death” scene. In the story, they help Uta–napishti to understand his ark to the animal, drown instantly in their trouble, and die instantly. Which is a very weak etiquette after you help someone move?
“Yeah is obviously a master Wordsmith who is capable of compressing multiple pairs of meanings into one copy pronunciation,” Worthington said. Originally, it was a punishment where the result of misinterpreting it was the death of the whole of humanity, the obstruction of one family a driver. Excluding the obvious similarities in the stories, Gilgamesh had various inspirations for the God of the Bible, the god of the Purina’s. “The Babylonian gods survive only by feeding humans,” Worthington said, “if humanity had been wiped out, the gods would have starved. God uses linguistic language and confuses people in carrying out His will because it exploits their interests. Modern parallelism is the army! “