
The huge remote island has become one of the largest wildlife sanctuaries in the world

The huge remote island has become one of the largest wildlife sanctuaries in the world

In the journal a new project published of PNAS is transforming the world’s most remote island into the world’s largest wildlife sanctuary. The newly established Marine Protection Zone will be almost three times the size of the UK, prohibiting all fishing activities as the water becomes a “no-tech zone”. Tristan da Cunha has a long history of unique environmental protection and this change will make the archipelago the guardian of the largest no-tech zone in the Atlantic Ocean. The project will protect life both above and below the waves over 687,247 square kilometers (265,347 square miles) of Tristan da Cunha, a chain of islands in the South Atlantic.

The huge partnerships include the United Kingdom Government, the RSPB, the National Geographic Pristine Seas, the Blue Nature Alliance, the Blue Marine Foundation with the Becht Family Charitable Trust, Kaltroco, Don Quixote 2nd Foundation, British Antarctic Survey, University of Plymouth and Museum Of Natural History in London. Everyone is committed to the project, which will protect the continuing wildlife throughout Tristan da Cunha, a haven for albatrosses, penguins, whales, sharks, and seals.

The move, led by the Tristan da Cunha government, will contribute to the UK’s goal of securing 30 percent of the world’s oceans by 2030. Tristan da Cunha is an ideal archipelago for a sanctuary located 2,400 kilometers (1,991 miles) away from the nearest land. The sanctuary will be awarded the UK’s Marine Protection Blue Belt, meaning it will become the fourth largest no-tech zone on the planet. Recognition suspends all and some fishing or lifting activities throughout the region indefinitely.

“The Tristan community is deeply committed to conservation: on land, we have already declared more than half of our territory protected, but the sea is an important resource for our economy and ultimately for our long-term survival. That’s why we’re fully protecting 90% of our water – and we’re proud that we can play a key role in protecting the health of the ocean. “Our life at Tristan da Cunha was based on our relationship with the sea and continues to this day,” said James Glass, chief islander of Tristan da Cunha, in an email.

“The Blue Belt Program, the RSPB, and many others have been valuable partners in helping Tristan da Cunha develop maritime security strategies. Our long-term relationship has been a strong foundation of this project: to help ensure the unique biodiversity of our islands for future populations on the planet. “