
Types of Cooperative Society in Nature of the Members

Types of Cooperative Society in Nature of the Members

Types of Cooperative Society in Nature of the members

Nature of the members: Cooperative society was originated from the word of co-operating which indicates assistance. Society means association or collection of a group of people. So, it means assistance of the society where a few people create a democratic institution voluntarily. According to the nature of the members of the cooperative organization, the following formats of the cooperative society are seen:

Producers’ Cooperative Society: The cooperative society which is established by all kinds of producers with the limited ability is called producers’ cooperative society. Generally, the producers establish a cooperative society to gather their limited capability in order to get huge production facilities and this kind of organization is called producers’ cooperative society. As they can’t produce huge products as well as they can’t exist in the competition of selling, so they accumulate their limited ability to establish such kind of organization. It is established to minimize negative competition, increase more production facilities, as well as increase the ability is the most targets to build this type of co-operative society.

Consumers’ Cooperative Society: Whenever the consumers of a particular area collective establish a cooperative society with a view to purchasing daily necessary commodities at the optimum price this cooperative society is called Consumers’ Cooperative Society. Especially for getting purchase opportunity this organization is established. Anyone can’t collect products from this shopping mall except the members as well. This cooperative society especially is built-up in the area of Mill-factory, metropolitan, village whereas huge people live.