
What is mass communication?

Mass communication is a process of transmitting a message to a large number of scattered audiences. Through mass communication, information can be transmitted quickly to a large number of people who generally stay far away from the sources of information. Mass communication is done through radio, television, newspaper, magazine, leaflets etc. some definitions of mass communication are as follows:

According to Melba, “Mass communication is concerned with transmitting information, thoughts, and opinions, entertainments etc. at a time to a large number of heterogeneous audiences.

According to Emery and others, “Mass communication is a process of sending a message, thought and attitude through some media at a time to a large number of heterogeneous audiences.”

According to Co R. P. Molo, “Mass communication is a process through which an individual, organization or govt. communicates with the general people.”

Sydney I lead 1976 suggests that mass communication contains at least following five things:

  1. Large audience
  2. Similar audience exists
  3. Some form of message reproduction
  4. Quick distribution of, message
  5. The low unit cost to the customers.

So, Mass communication is a process of transmitting information, thoughts, opinions, and or attitude through specific channel or media to a large number of heterogeneous audiences.