
What is the Community Responsibility to Business?

What is the Community Responsibility to Business?

In the business community relationship, we can’t ignore the responsibilities of the community to business. It citizens, labor, and government abuse business or take advantage of it and the cooperation for improvement becomes more difficult. The relation of business with the community is a social transaction which requires that both parties be open, honest maximum-effectiveness. The relationship of business with the community is a social transaction which requires that both parties be open, honest, and fair with other to achieve maximum effectiveness.

Following are the areas of community responsibility to business:

(a) A cultural and educational environment which support a balanced quality life for employees.

(b) Adequate public services e.g. police and fire station, water, gas, electronic services etc.

(c) A fair and open public press.

(d) Taxes which are equitable and don’t discriminate for against business.

(e) Open acceptance of business participation in community affairs.

(f) Adequate transportation system.

(g) Special dignity to the high officials, customers.