Brainstorming is a popular method for encouraging creative thinking in groups of about eight people. It yields around four basic guidelines of participants.
- Generate as many ideas as pure, simple
- Be creative, freewheeling, and imaginative
- Build upon (piggyback0, extending, or combine earlier ideas.
- Withhold criticism of others’ ideas.
Principles: Two main principles underlie brainstorming. One is deferred judgments and a second principle is that quantity breeds quality.
Advantages: Brainstorming has many advantages-
- Scissions group member is enthusiastic, participation broader than normal.
- Group maintains strong task orientations.
- Ideas are built upon extended.
- Members typically feel that the strong task orientation.
Disadvantages: some disadvantages are-
- Some members creative thoughts will be looked down upon
- The independent thoughts and later criticism of one’s ideas do not contribute to group cohesion.
- Only one person can speak at a time.