
Difference between Official and Demi-official Letter

Difference between Official and Demi-official Letter

Official and Demi-official Letters are written for almost the same purpose. Still, there exist some differences between these two letters. The major differences are pointed below.

Difference between Official and Demi-official Letter

Official Letter

  • Purpose: The purpose of an official letter is to serve pure official mitten. It is written for exchanging the official information only. Various official interests are served through an official letter
  • Language: Official letter is written in a formal and well-accepted official language. Traditional and official languages are used here
  • Nature: Official letter is formal and impersonal in nature. This letter is fully office oriented. Its nature is official and impersonal. Its size is small
  • Status: In an official letter, the position is more important than the person, who writes it. Official news and information are the main subject matters of this letter. The status is determined by the status of the writer.
  • Structure: Official letter is written by following the officially recognized structure. The specific structure is severely followed. On the basis of subject matter, it can be confidential as urgent, secret, general, etc.
  • Copy: Copies of the official letter are distributed to the concerned person. It may be copied for various purposes
  • Salutation and complimentary close: Use of salutation and complimentary close depend on the official and hierarchical relationship between sender and receiver.
  • Appeal: Its appeal is universal even in the absence of the receiver. Its appeal is universal.
  • Method: Official letter may follow a direct or indirect method. Both direct and indirect methods can be used to write such a letter.
  • Enclosure: The enclosure is used here.
  • Use of Grammar: First person or third person is used in drafting this letter. Moreover, it is written in plural numbers.

Official and Demi official Letter 1

Demi-official Letter

  • Purpose: Demi-official letter serves some personal affairs along with official matters. To accomplish an official objective through personal relationships is the purpose of the demi-official letter. This letter is written to exchange business information.
  • Language: Demi-official letter is written in such a language that has a personal tone. Such a letter can be written through personal touch for which language seems to be very simple
  • Nature: Its nature is a mixed i.e. combination of personal and official. It is commerce and trade-oriented. It is moderately big in size.
  • Status: In this letter, the person who writes the letter gets more importance than his position.  This letter is only commercial information is the subject matter of this letter. A personal relationship between sender and receiver influences the status of such a letter.
  • Structure: Demi-official letter does not follow any specific structure. No specific structure is required to be followed. It cannot be classified as an official letter
  • Copy: No copy is distributed to anyone. No Copy is made of such a letter.
  • Salutation and complimentary close: Use of salutation and complimentary close depend on a personal relationship between sender and receiver.
  • Appeal: Its appeal is limited to the specific receiver only. Its appeal is limited to individual
  • Method: It always follows a direct method. The only direct method is applicable to write such a letter.
  • Enclosure: Use of enclosure in such a letter is a rare case
  • Use of Grammar: This letter is usually written in the first person singular number. Here the first person in plural form is also used.