Differences between Business and Official Letters
Though both business and official letter are essential for business communication, but there are some certain difference between Business and official letters.
There are various differences between business and official letters such as:
Official Letter
- Purpose: The purpose of official letter is to serve the official interest.
- Subject: Official order, instruction, circular, notices are expressed through official letter.
- Structure: Specific and pre-determined structure is required to be followed to write such letter.
- Salutation: There may or may not be any salutation in such letter.
- Complimentary close: There is no courteous complimentary close in such letter.
- Use of Language: It is written in terms of specific and traditional language.
- Relation: Here, the relation between sender and receiver is not significant at all.
- Purpose: The purpose of Business letter is to create or maintain business or business relation.
- Subject: Various functions of business such as trading, manufacturing, marketing, human resources activities, procurement of materials, acquisition and disposal of assets, credit management, advertisement of product line, liaison with various private and govt. bodies are dealt through business letter.
- Structure: Any type of formal structure can be followed here.
- Salutation: Salutation is compulsory here
- Complimentary close: Courteous complimentary close is must in such letter.
- Use of Language: Convincing and attractive language are used in such a letter.
- Relation: Relation is the key factor here.