
Famed physicist: soon-to-launch telescope likely to discover alien life

Famed physicist: soon-to-launch telescope likely to discover alien life

Michio Kaku, a string theorist and scientist, believes that the James Webb Space Telescope will find life on other planets – but he does not think it is a good idea to reach them. The Guardian, a professor of theoretical physics at City College in New York, talks about his satire in an interview about his upcoming book, The God Equation.

He says he believes we are on track to discover alien life within a century. Uncle told The Guardian, “Soon we will have the [web] telescope in orbit and we will have thousands of planets to look at,” and Uncle told The Guardian, “And that’s why I think the chances are very high that we can communicate Civilization.”

However, string theorists and best-selling authors do not believe we should be fast despite finding other lifeforms. “I have some colleagues who believe we should reach out to them. I think it is a terrible idea, “he told the Guardian.” We all know what happened to Montezuma when he met Curtis in Mexico hundreds of years ago.

Now, personally, I think the aliens will be friendly but we cannot gamble on it. Therefore, I think we will communicate but we should do it very carefully. He does not make it clear who Montezuma and Curtis between aliens and humanity – and really, we are not sure what is terrible.

Michio Kaku is a professor of theoretical physics at City College in New York, a proponent of string theory, but also a well-known popular figure in science, with multiple TV appearances behind him and several bookshops.

His latest book, The God Equation, is a clear and accessible test of his quest to combine Einstein’s general relativity with quantum theory to create an all-India “all theory” about the nature of the universe.

Okay, I think we actually have the theory but it is not in the final form. This has not yet tested and Nobel Prize winners have taken the opposite view on something known as string theory. I am a co-founder of string field theory, which is one of the main branches of string theory, so I have some “game skin”. I try to be fair and balanced.

I think we are on the verge of a new era. New experiments carried out to detect deviations from the standard model. In addition, we have the mystery of dark matter. Any of these undiscovered regions can give formula as a theory of all things.