
Importance of Biology in Economic and Environmental Growth

Importance of Biology in Economic and Environmental Growth

Importance of Biology in Economic and Environmental Growth

The two main branches of Biology are Botany and Zoology. In addition to these, there are other branches and sub-branches of Biology. Biology exists each moment – when we breathe in and breathe out each time, respiration is taking place within our bodies, and each cell receives oxygenated blood and releases carbon dioxide.

Agricultural science has numerous branches of which Agronomy, Horticulture, Plant breeding, plant pathology, Fishery, Animal husbandry, Poultry, Honeybee culture (Apiculture), Sericulture etc. are vital. With the relevance of knowledge of these branches economic growth is potential.

Both plants and animals are the necessary mechanism of natural environment. It is known to you that plants and animals are interdependent in numerous ways. Ecology makes us aware about the significance of plants and animals and also the need of their existence in nature, Educated and aware citizens can play vital task in maintenance and progress of environment. The impact of socio-economic procedures, such as industrialization, urbanization, agricultural policy, technological change and commercialization and the degree of dissemination of the world food structure on biological welfare and health outcomes. Economic growth sometimes produces unfavorable effects on natural environment. Environmental deprivation and hazards can be encountered through appropriate application of our knowledge in ecology, Economic solvency and good surroundings facilitate social progress. Through various biological disciplines, people obtain knowledge about life and living organisms, including the origin, growth, evolution, structure, distribution and function of these organisms.