
Important Sustaining activities in Entrepreneurship Development

Important Sustaining activities in Entrepreneurship Development

Entrepreneurship development is the process of improving the skills and knowledge of entrepreneurs through various training and classroom programs. Entrepreneurs and entrepreneurship play a significant role in the socio-economic development of a nation. Entrepreneurs set up enterprises and generate employment for people in their enterprises. The aims of a program have to be clearly explained otherwise the program will never reach its full potential.

Sustaining activities: These activities are all those that help in the continuous and efficient functioning of entrepreneurship. These include modernization of infrastructure, encouraging diversification. Providing opportunities and supporting industry-institute interaction through consultancy, prom opting quality, and organizing need-based common facilities centers The various sustaining activities are as follows.

  1. Help modernization,
  2. Help diversification expansion substitute production,
  3. Additional financing for full capacity utilization,
  4. Deferring repayment/interest,
  5. Diagnostic industrial extension consultancy services,
  6. Production units Legislation policy change,
  7. Product reservation creating new avenues for marketing,
  8. Quality testing and approving services,
  9. Need-based common facilities centres.