Organizational Behavior

Why Should Managers Study Organizational Behavior?

Managers must be understanding of organizational behavior because a large part of their job has to do with exactly that. Organizational behavior is the study of how people behave while in groups and as individuals.

Increasing Job satisfaction

Job satisfaction represents an attitude rather than a behavior. The belief that satisfied employees are productive then dissatisfied employees has been a basic tenet among managers for years. Researchers with strong humanistic values argue that satisfaction is a legitimate objective of an organization.

Increasing Productivity

A manager’s main objective should be increasing productivity continuously by changing employee behavior by applying motivation theories and learning concepts. By doing so the manager can help the organization to achieve its goals.

Reducing Turnover

Organizational Behavior Studies helps managers to reduce employee turnover rate. Reducing turnover is one of the main management issues because organizations don’t want their experienced and skilled workers to lose.

Reduce Absenteeism

Absenteeism is the failure to report to work. It is obviously difficult for an organization to operate smoothly and to attain its objectives if employees fail to report to their jobs. The workflow is disrupted, and the often important decisions must be delayed. But a study to organizational behavior manager can apply techniques and reduce it.

Establishing Organizational citizenship

Successful organizations need employees who will do more than their usual job duties and provide performance that is beyond expectations. A smart manager can understand that and motivate employees.

Changing Individual Behavior

Managers shape individuals behavior by enforcing learning concepts to solve individual level of problems.

Operant Conditioning

Operant conditioning is the use of consequences to modify the occurrence and form of behavior. Reinforcement and punishment, the core tools of operant conditioning, are either positive (delivered following a response), or negative (withdrawn following a response). This creates a total of four basic consequences, with the addition of a fifth procedure known as extinction.