
Nimbostratus Clouds

Nimbostratus Clouds

Nimbostratus Clouds: Dark, gray low altitude cloud that produces continuous precipitation in the form of rain or snow. Found in an altitude range from the surface to 3.000 m. They’re generally a darker color of grey than stratus clouds because of their excess moisture content – precipitation commonly takes place with this cloud kind. The base of this cloud can be tough to perceive and it could stretch high into the environment. They’re very commonplace clouds in temperate latitudes, forming a dense and extremely enormous gray layer at low altitude. They are thick, darkish, amorphous, and solid in look, frequently related to greater or much less continuous rainfall which makes the cloud base gentle and diffuse.

Nimbostratus has a diffuse cloud base normally observed anywhere from close to floor within the low ranges to approximately 3,000 m (9,800 ft) inside the center stage of the troposphere. Although normally darkish at its base, it regularly seems illuminated from within to a floor observer. Nimbostratus normally has a thickness of approximately 2000 to 4000 m. even though observed worldwide, nimbostratus takes place extra usually within the middle latitudes.


Nimbostratus clouds form through the deepening and thickening of an altostratus cloud, regularly along warm or occluded fronts. These clouds extend through the decrease and mid layers of the troposphere bringing rain to the surface underneath.

Nimbostratus takes place along a heat front or occluded front wherein the slowly growing warm air mass creates nimbostratus in conjunction with shallower stratus clouds producing less rain, these clouds being preceded through higher-degree clouds including cirrostratus and altostratus. Often, whilst an altostratus cloud thickens and descends into lower altitudes, it becomes nimbostratus.