The Pentagon has confirmed that a number of newly leaked videos showing UFOs, or “Unknown Airborne Incidents” (UAPs), have been officially recognized by Navy personnel.
However, there is still no word on what these mysterious philosophies actually are. The footage was recently shared on by TV investigator journalist George Knapp and documentary filmmaker Jeremy Corbel of, both whom are well known in the UFO world.
The first leaked video captured on a night vision camera shows a “pyramid-shaped” UAP buzzing over the USS Russell warship off the coast of San Diego in July 2019. Another set of images captured by the USS Omaha, showing an orbital shape. It reportedly spotted in the sky but went down into the water without a hitch. Corbell noted that the U.S. Navy deployed a submarine to search for the object, but nothing found. The Pentagon has confirmed that the photos and footage taken by Navy personnel, but has not commented on what the sights could be.

“I can confirm that the referenced photos and videos were taken by Navy personnel. The UAPTF has included these incidents in their ongoing tests, “Pentagon spokeswoman Susan Goff told The Black Vault. “As we have said before, to maintain the security of the operation and to avoid disclosing information that could be effective against potential enemies, DOD does not publicly discuss the details of the observations or published attacks to monitor our training range or designated airspace. These attacks first designated as UAP. Apart from a few brief descriptions, not much information about the footage has revealed. Is this another world UFO? An experimental military aircraft Spyware, weather balloons, drones. Views have already divided the opinion, but it is little in favor of denying interesting footage.
In recent years, the Pentagon has seen a number of high-profile UFO sightings by military personnel, with a new understanding of the issue. Last year, the U.S. Department of Defense released three videos of “anonymous aircraft incidents,” including the famous “Tick Tack” video, recognized and publicly operated by a U.S. Navy jet pilot. According to the New York Times, there has also been a surge in UFO sightings in the United States since the outbreak of the COVID-19 epidemic. Across the country, on average, in 2020, at least 1000 visits a year reported in more than 7,200 visits.