
What is the significance of internal communication?

Internal communication is the lifeblood of any organization. Both internal and external communication is equally important to control the day to day operations of an organization. The importance of internal communication can be stated as follows:

  • Coordination

To achieve organizational goals, coordination among the activities of various departments is a must. An organization can’t run smoothly without proper co-ordination. Through internal communication, it is possible to coordinate the works among departments of an organization.

  • Control

The last and the most important function of management are Due to effective internal communication such control is possible.

  • Motivation

Methods of Internal Communication helps to motivate the employees of an organization. Internal communication provides a good relationship with high officials and subordinates. Thorough effective internal communication employees come, in contract with one another which acts as a motivating factor.

  • Source of information

Competitive information is necessary to survive in the market economy. Only proper communication can supply such kind of information to the right person at the right time.

  • Develop the managerial efficiency

To run the business effectively and efficiently a manager must have the proper knowledge regarding the resources of the organization. The internal communication can provide such knowledge.

  • Job satisfaction

Job satisfaction has a great positive impact on job performance. If there is a sound internal communication system, the employees will be inspired and job satisfaction will also be kept.

  • Run the business

To ensure the smooth operation of routine activities of an organization proper internal communication is essential.

  • Proper supervision

If there is lack of downward and upward internal communication then the management or the supervisors failed to understand the problems of the employees. As a result, proper supervision cannot be exercised.

  • Low turnover

In presence of proper internal communication labor turnover rate reduces considerably.

  • Mutual trust

For the smooth functioning of an organization and for higher productivity there must be mutual trust between Motivation of em management and employees successful internal communication can ensure mutual trust.

  • Motivation of employees

To provide proper motivational measures management need to have a clear view regarding the attitude of the employees. Without continuous internal communication, proper motivation cannot be provided.

  • Facilitate decision making

Participation of the employees in the decision-making process not only increase the quality of decision but also ensure the better implementation of the decision.

  • Others

Besides the above importance, the following benefits may be enjoyed from internal communication:

  1. Exchange of necessary ideas, news, and views.
  2. Development of communicative skill of employees.
  3. Maintenance of link between departments and branches.
  4. Increasing of employee efficiency.
  5. Development of employee morale etc.