IBM has unveiled the first quantum computer system designed for commercial use, which will allow customers to perform quantum calculations on the Internet. The device isn’t yet capable of surpassing classic computers, but it looks like it’s straightforward from any sci-fi movie, including its sleek design and common name – IBM’s Q System One. The computer is enclosed in airtight borosilicate glass cubes with a 2. Meter (9-foot) side it is kept in an isolated environment at extremely low temperatures, which is essential for the use of this type of technology.
Quantum computers do not operate in regular bits (one and zero), but with Quits, special Quantum is said to be able to use quantum properties such as superposition. Although strong for computing, most qubit setups are a fraction of a second permanently because they are extremely fragile. These quantum states are susceptible to interference from temperature fluctuations, electromagnetic fields, etc.
The system will use 20 quits on quantum hardware designed to be stable and enable auto-calcification to achieve accurate calculations. It will use hybrid quantum algorithms as well as classical calculations to allow secure cloud access. It is important to give those who are interested in using the device what they can do remotely. The 20 quits of Q System One is a significant number but not enough to reach the so-called quantum dominance. This is when Quantum computers will be able to perform calculations that ordinary machines cannot.
The future of quantum computers could be epoch-making in science, medicine, and cybersecurity and their ability to compute would be without competitors. But we are not there yet. Many estimate that you will need at least 50 quintals to achieve this. Although Q System One will not change the world yet, having a commercial quantum computer gives us something valuable at this stage: understanding how these devices work, their technical limitations, and what we can expect.
The Q System One is also expected to have significantly shorter downtime than its more “traditional” architecture. Quantum computers have the advantage that their computing power increases significantly: two qubits have four potential states, 3 quits have eight states and 150 qubits had more states than the Earth’s atoms.