
The interactive map shows you what your city looks like millions of years ago

The interactive map shows you what your city looks like millions of years ago

Created by California paleontologist Ian Webster, the map allows you to enter your city and select a period 750 million years ago, about one and a half million years before the emergence of multiple animals.

The world has changed dramatically over the last 4.543 billion years. The tectonic plates of your planet have moved and the land masses have grown individually or sunk under another ocean. See for yourself how your city has been going for 750 million years.

The people who came to play around it were not finding their cities where they had hoped. Nothing that happens on the show here through different time periods you can see how the continents came together to form the Pangea of the subcontinent about 335 million years ago before they were separated about 175 million years ago.

You can also go over different time periods, such as when Cretaceous was when dinosaurs roamed the earth on the other side of the galaxy or when animals began to take their first steps on land.You may be surprised to learn about the first flowering plants about 130 million years ago, meaning that land animals roamed the earth for about 670 million years before seeing any flowers.

The creator hopes the map will amaze and amaze those who use it, as Florida would sink and America was once divided by shallow seas. The map uses GPlates – software for visualization of plate tectonics – as well as map data. You can play with the map here for yourself.

“The history of the Earth is longer than we thought and the current arrangement of plate tectonics and continents is an accident of time. In the future it will be very different and the Earth could spread to all of us.” Webster told CNN, “It shows that our environment can be dynamic and changeable.”