Nuclear Fission in Nuclear Physics

Nuclear Fission in Nuclear Physics

Nuclear Fission in Nuclear Physics Nuclear fission is the disintegration of a large nucleus into two smaller nuclei by the capture of a thermal neutron.…
Nuclear Fusion in Nuclear Physics

Nuclear Fusion in Nuclear Physics

Nuclear Fusion in Nuclear Physics The process in which more than one light nucleus is combined together to form a relatively heavier nucleus and liberates…
Nuclear Chain Reaction

Nuclear Chain Reaction

Nuclear Chain Reaction The chain reaction is such a process which once started the reaction continues without requiring further energy and a tremendous amount of…
Nuclear Reaction

Nuclear Reaction

Nuclear Reaction Rutherford was first able to disintegrate nitrogen nucleus by the alpha particle (4He) emitted from a radioactive substance. This was the first event…
Binding Energy per Nucleon

Binding Energy per Nucleon

Binding Energy per Nucleon We know, each atom of all the elements, except hydrogen, is composed of protons and neutrons. These are called nucleons. The…
Binding Energy

Binding Energy

Binding Energy We know, every nucleus, except hydrogen is composed of one or more proton and neutron. These protons and neutrons are called nucleons or…
Mass Defect

Mass Defect

Mass Defect From the proton-neutron theory about the structure of the nucleus, we know that other than the hydrogen nucleus of atoms of all the…


Radio-Isotopes: Some isotopes are found that show radioactivity for a brief period of time. These are called radioisotopes. These are radioactive isotopes since they have…


Isotones: Those atoms which contain a same number of neutrons (N), but a different number of protons (Z), they are called isotones. They are the…
Atomic Energy

Atomic Energy

Atomic Energy: In 1905 famous scientist Albert Einstein showed that matter and energy were actually identical. Matter can be transformed into energy. If a substance…
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