The trading corporation is a Govt. organization serving an important role in case of foreign trade of a country. This type of organization is present in many countries of the world to support and improve foreign trade of that country.
This corporation is a commercial corporation occupied in buying and selling. The word “trading,” is much narrower in scope than “business,” as applied to corporations, and though a trading corporation is a business corporation, there are many business corporations which are not trading companies.
“The trading corporation of Pakistan” was formed in 1967 by the Pakistani Government. It was formed according to the company Act 1913. At first the headquarter of the organization was established in Karachi and a branch in Dhaka city. After the liberation of Bangladesh, this Branch was made autonomous. According to the presidents Act No. 68 in January, 1972. This independent organization was then named “Trading Corporation of Bangladesh.” At that time the Govt. nationalized most of the foreign trade and gave the responsibilities to TCB. The TCB started its activities from February, 1972. At present, TCB conducts its activities according to the company Act 1994.