Difference between Social Discontinuity and Routine Social Change
Social Discontinuity
- Definition: Social Discontinuity means an age of discontinuity in which change is so severe that it will create whole new institutions and significantly alter existing institutions.
- Technological innovations: Technological innovations such as the computer and television. Which are having major efforts not only in business but as the whole society.
- Social System: A pluralistic social system in which, social tasks are mostly entrusted to large institutions.
- Development of economy: Development of a world economy of one market but without suitable institutions for handling it. With the one exceptions of the multinational corporation.
- Knowledge revolution: A knowledge revolution which made knowledge the crucial resource of society.
Routine Social Change
- Definition: Social change refers to any significant alteration over time in behavior patterns and cultural values and norms.
- Technological innovations: Social change has to adapt to this technological change where many people get chanced and many lost their earning.
- Social System: Routine social change is social system are captured by few people.
- Development of economy: Economy remains within the society where people usually do not enter a transaction with other society.
- Knowledge revolution: Knowledge is nothing but what the experienced people say.
Finally, when the social changes are happening rapidly it named as Routine Social Change.