
Issues that covered in an Employee Orientation Program

Issues that covered in an Employee Orientation Program

Orientation is the task of the selection process. Orientation is a procedure by which employees are given idea, concept, philosophy, data, and information about the organization so that employees can adjust themselves with their organization. A good new employee orientation program delivers multiple benefits to your company, some of which are often overlooked.

Here are but a few of the many benefits that both you and your new employees will receive. Followings Should Be Covered in New Employee Orientation Programs:

  1. Reception: At first organization receives the new employees with cordiality. As the new employees feel they come here to achieve a specific goal and organization give them appropriate respect. By this was the organization inspired the new employees for better performance.
  2. Acceptance stage: Acceptance is the second stage of orientation. In this stage, employees feel positive attitude to their colleagues. An important role is that the colleagues have to make assure them that the working place is suitable to work properly.
  3. Executive’s personal interest: Executive’s personal interest means executives show personal interest to know about the new employees. So that new employees feel that they are important people in the organization.
  4. Introducing with colleagues: Organization introduces the new employees with their colleagues to whom they will work. By doing this, an organization is successful to create friendly and cordial relationship among the new employees and the old employees.
  5. Introducing with supervisors: This is the important stage of orientation. In this stage, new employees get the opportunities for introducing themselves with senior executives.
  6. Introduce with service and regulation: In this stage, employees are introduced to rules and regulations of the service. If they have idea rule and regulations they are all to as their activities carefully.
  7. Understanding the facilities: In this stage employees, an organization provides an idea about the benefits and facilities to new employees. By getting these facilities employees to get an opportunity of standard living. So they try to give their effect to make the work successful.
  8. Introducing duties and responsibilities: The main task of orientation makes the employees understand their duties clearly so that they can perform these duties properly.
  9. Follow-up: On the analysis of steps, if any mistake has occurred those steps are to be corrected. This process is known as the follow-up.