Training is the set of organized activities aimed at imparting information and or instructions to improve the recipient’s performance or to help him or her attain a required level of knowledge and skill then the organized activities are known as training.
Training and development program helps employees learn specific knowledge or skills to improve performance in their current roles.
Benefits or advantages of training and development program: The benefits of training and development are as follows –
Increase productivity: Productivity can be increased through training and thus organization is benefited.
Job satisfaction: Training gives job satisfaction to the employees by reducing the elements of job dissatisfaction.
Reducing Accidents: Through the acquisition of skills, trained employees can reduce the number of an accident to a minimum.
Minimum wastage and loss: Training provides the people for reducing the amount of loss and wastage to a minimum.
Increased skill: Training increases the skills of trainees and reduces the skilled deficiencies.
Utilization of goods: Training ensures proper and maximum utilization of both physical and human resources by applying a sense of responsibility and commitment gained through training.
Continuous performance: Through training employees gets required knowledge and motivation for continuous performance in the organization. It also ensures employee participation in performance.
New methods: Through training, employees are prepared mentally to introduce new methods of work and also expect the new tactics and thus resistance to change may be overcome.
Environment: Training helps create a favorable work environment and avoid or protect the unfavorable environment for work. The employees come to know to do so through training.
Development of labor-management relations: Labor-management relations can also be developed through training. All levels of employees and managers may be made cordial in this regard and thus training can make such an environment to misunderstanding among the employees.