Project Rating Index (PRI) tool offers a method to measure the project scope definition for completeness. Critical elements within a scope definition package are described in detail. This provides project team members a checklist or tool for determining the definition of a project at the time of analysis. The tool could then be used in predicting future project success or failure in terms of cost, schedule, and changes. It allows project teams to focus on problem areas or scopes. It is used at multiple stages in the front end planning process. PRI provides a means for an individual or a team to estimate the position of industrial development during pre-project preparation and to find out a score that corresponds to its level of definition.
Develop Project Rating Index (PRI):
- Earlier CII (Construction Industry Institute) research,
- Research team expertise,
- Scope development packages from companies;
- Brainstorming, affinity determining,
- Workshop of project managers and estimate.