


Recruitment is a process of accumulation of human resources for the vacant positions of the organization. It is an initial step of the system. It includes requisition of man power and at last submission of the application by the job-seeker. It means to approximate the accessible vacancies and to make appropriate arrangements for their selection and appointment. When more persons apply for jobs then there will be scope for recruiting better persons.

Recruitment determines the present and future requirements of the organization in conjunction with its personnel planning and job analysis activities. It helps to increase the success rate of the selection process by reducing the number of visibly under qualified or overqualified job applicants.

According to DeCenzo and Robbins, “Recruitment is the process of discovering the potential for actual or anticipated vacancies.

According to Edwin B. Hippo, “Recruitment is the process of searching for prospective employees and stimulating them to apply for jobs in the organization.”

In human resource management, “recruitment” is the process of finding and hiring the best and most qualified candidate for a job opening, in a timely and cost-effective manner.

Recruitment helps reduce the possibility that job applicants, once recruited and selected, will leave the organization only after a short period of time.